Sunday, 10 March 2013

Evaluation-Who would be the target audience for our film?

Target Audience: The target audience is a group of people of the same age, race, gender or nationality that would be interested in anything you are selling, for example in our case a psychological thriller film. Its always best to know your exact target audience, this is because it allows you to aim and sell your product to an audience you know would be interested and want to buy your product. Helping your media company to expand and make more profit. Below i am going to be writing about our target audience for our film, and how we came to know our exact target audience. 

Our target audience are 15–25 year old females of any race and nationality. In relation to our storyboard and our ideas, we think that it is suitable and meets requirements of this audience. As the age group of the characters are 16-17 years old so fits in well with the target audience and allows them to relate to the characters and the story more. As a group we found this out by using different research on our film such as questionnaires and interviews conducted on different age groups and came up with the findings of our target audience. 

We have also looked at the demographic research that we conducted at the beginning of the assignment. From the graphs and tables we analysed we found that thriller films were mainly viewed by females with a percentage of 58%. Due to the fact that women tend to go out in large groups of girls when going to watch a horror or thriller film. Whereas males tend to only go to watch a horror or thriller film if a women is with him. 

Moreover when looking at the demographics we also found that a certain age group tends to like watch horror or thriller films. From the graph we looked at we could see that people between the age of 18-24 are the majority to go out and watch horror or thriller films. however the general population who watch movies in general are people who are 50+, due to the reason that the have more time on their hands as they are no longer working.

Finally our exact target audience are 15-25 year old females of any race or nationality. We think as a group the race and nationality of our target audience isn't as important. We believe any sort of race or nationality can be interested in viewing our film. Even though the film is filmed in the UK and has English actors you still have many people that like to view English films and want to relate to the actors in the film.  

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