Wednesday 6 March 2013

Evaluation- Target Audience Research Summary

Survey Monkey Results Evaluation:
During the process of making and finishing our film, we knew that it was going to be extremely important to receive constructive criticism, which would overly help us to see our work from a different perspective. Whilst looking at your own work, the views that you perceive, based on quality can sometimes be prejudice; due to it being your own creation. However, through other people seeing our work, we could really see as a group what we needed to improve on and the adaptations that could be made. Through using survey monkey, we were able to create a number of different analysis questions that really would help us to gain many different opinions. We were then given the opportunity to hand our surveys out to a number of different people, who were from different cultural backgrounds, age, race, religion, gender etc to get a real strong feedback. During this process, we found through looking at our feedback that there were reoccurring themes of things that we could change, whilst things that were perceived as positive. I am now going to explain these different responses and how they helped us during the final editing process. 
Many of our feedback forms agreed on a few clips that they found effective and were happy with. The most reoccurring response for success was the clip of Danika (Xhuliana) circling the three girls heads. This clip was seen to be successful as it really highlighted to the audience what was happening during the process of our two minute clip. We were very happy with the feedback regarding the circling frame scene as our main intention of this clip was to increase the viewers awareness about what was happening. Through our feedback we have seen that we were successful in creating this effect. Another success that we found apparent through our feedback forms was the flashback scene. Many people agreed in certain ways that this scene was effective because it highlighted the reason Danika wanted to seek revenge. We were also very delighted with this feedback because we knew that with only two minutes to film a psychological thriller introduction, we needed to be very clear about the plot; and this has been achieved as seen through the feedback.
Whilst creating our questionnaire on survey monkey, we also allowed our audience to have the chance to give us some negative criticism. By receiving this criticism we were able to view our work from another person’s point of view, meaning we were able to make correction that we had not picked up our self. One critic who we found helpful said that they found there was lighting problems in the last two clips. When looking back on our work, we did realise that there were major continuity problems, and therefore we were able to edit the last two clips to make the lighting more similar. This was very helpful because it allowed us to see the corrections needed, that we had not picked up on from our own terms. Another re occurring criticism that we had was that the death scene of Lily (Shannon) was very dark and therefore editing it would be a good idea, so that the impact on the audience was greater. This gave us the opportunity to go back over this clip and make adaptations to it, so that the audience were more affected by Lily’s death. Overall we were very happy to receive negative criticism from our questionnaire, as this meant that we could go back and make changes to the clips that did not fit the audience’s specification. We found it awakening to see our film through the eyes of others and we have made our best efforts to change the clips to the greatest of their capacity. 
In order to make our film better, there are many changes that we could make, which would mean our psychological thriller was more overly effective. Through receiving all of our important feedback, we were able to more easily identify the areas of our thriller that were effective, whilst looking at other parts that failed to reach a higher expectation. I think that throughout our two minute introduction the main problem was continuity. Whilst many scenes matched perfectly, there were others that did not really give the right effect we were looking for. There were firstly problems with the lighting, such as the window and park scene, meaning that this declined from the impact on our audience. To change this, we would have to go back into prelim and try to edit the lighting and contrast on some clips, so that they matched up more with lips that were sonly going to follow. We would also have to work on cropping clips so that the matching up of actor’s gestures would be more instinct. Finally, we would re access the video format, in terms of which clip follows each other. During our feedback, we were told that some clips could be a bit over repetitive, and therefore as a group we would like to re analyse this and see where there is room for improvement. 
In conclusion, if we were to re start this process over, I think there would be multiple scenes that we would like to re try, in order to make the effects more dramatic. As a group we felt that there were a few problems associated to the lighting of the park scene. If I was able to re do this clip I would be more inclined to try start sooner in the day, so that the death scene had a greater impact. We felt that due to the lighting, the image was not as clear as it could have been portrayed; had we started earlier. Secondly, if we had the opportunity, we all agreed that we would have liked to re edit the window scene. We hold this viewpoint because we did not realise until the editing process that there were problems with continuity, and through our feedback, we did realise that this was apparent to the watching audience. If we were to re do this clip, we would have started, again at an earlier time so that the lighting outside the window was more accurate and similar between the clips. Last but not least, we would have also liked to make changes to some of the shots we used in the flashback scene. Although we feel as a group that there were clips that we used which were appropriated, there were some clips that ended up very blurry, as we had to edit them to make them a larger size. This also took away from the effectiveness of our video. Overall, we are very happy with the opportunity feedback has provided us with. 

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