Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Evaluation- Survey Monkey Results

Below are ten print screens from our survey monkey questionnaire on our two minute psychological thriller opening sequence (Danika). Each of the print screens represent the ten questions that we asked our target audience which are 15 to 25 year old females, we also got males to take the survey to see what they thought of the two minute opening sequence and if they would be interested in watching the rest of the film. 

This is a print screen of the open page on survey money after logging in. As you an see we have our survey up called Blue Sky Productions - Danika Questionnaire. You can see from the print screen the a number of ten people from our target audience have viewed our film. Below are going to be another ten print screens showing each question from the questionnaire and the responses we got from our target audience. This will help to evaluate our film in knowing if our target audience thought it was a success and if they would be interested in watching the whole movie. We also got a few males to watch the film and take the questionnaire, in order to see if they would enjoy our film as well, therefore we can expand our target audience, increasing profit in the future.

This is the first question that was asked in the questionnaire " are you male or female?", as you can see from the print screen there were 30% of males that took part in the questionnaire and 70% that were females. This helps us to see which gender viewed our film and liked it best.

As you can see this is the second question asked "what was you initial thoughts whilst watching our film?", from this question we got a good deal of positive feedback from our target audiences. Most of our audiences liked the story line and wanted to keep on watching the film, as they found it interesting. 

This is a print screen showing the third question on the questionnaire "what did you think about the settings we used for our psychological thriller?", we got positive feedback from the audiences. Most thought that the use of different scenes made the film more effective in that it was more entertaining and the different scenes also fit in well with the story line.
This is the forth print screen and question from the questionnaire, "what did you think about the character representation?" most people thought that the roles with the film were played well and effectively  specially Danika's role as she acted well and made her seem creepy which was needed for a role. They also liked the make up and costumes that we used to represent each character. 

This is the fifth print screen showing the fifth question "did our introduction make you want to watch the rest of our film?". You can see from the print screen that we received 100% from our audiences that said they would watch the rest of the film, this was from both boys and girls. 

This is the sixth print screen and question from the questionnaire " did you think the title of the film was relevant to our two minute introduction?"  to our film. Again we received 100% results from our audiences agreeing that the title was relevant to the opening sequence, i mainly think because the its named after the main character and the killer of the film.
This is the seventh print screen showing the the seventh question " what effect did the sound effects have on you, based on our two minute introduction ". As you can see received positive feedback on the question as most people thought that the sound and music effects helped to build more tension in the film and made some people even jump. 

This is a print screen of our eighth question " do you think the opening scene is effective on drawing in the audience?" and the responses we received. As you can see we received 100% from both males and females thinking that the opening scene is effective in drawing in the audience.  

This is another print screen showing the ninth print screen and question on the questionnaire "what do you like most about our opening scene?" from looking back at the feedback we received most people said that they liked the circling of the three girls faces as it left them think what will happen to them. They also liked the flashback scene in black and white and killing scene. 
Finally this is a print screen showing the tenth and last question on the questionnaire "what do you think could have been improved?", we found out that most of our audiences said that the acting could have been improved and the each scene could had a better flow transaction. This has helped us as we know know what could be improved so that the target audience would enjoy the film even more.

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