Horror Thriller:
A horror thriller is when you have conflict between the main characters and monsters. The abuse the main character receives is emotional, physical and mental. The main character is up against a superior force and they become the victims of themselves. Examples of these films are Silence of The Lambs and 28 Days Later.
The image on the left shows the poster of another horror thriller called A Nightmare on Elm Street. The poster displays factors that contribute to the genre such as the blade foreshadowing the characters head, the sexual objectification showing vulnerability and the eyes being wide spread. This helps to allow the audience to know that this is a horror thriller because these factors make the audience weary of the films content. Horrors consist of masks, low key lighting, venerability of the main character and extreme close ups, which add to the genre. Masks add a sense of mystery to the horror because the audience and the main character are not aware of who the antagonist is. This makes the audience weary of every character in the film because there could be a possibility that they are the antagonist in disguise. In addition, low key lighting adds to the hour genre because darkness creates a sense of being alone and unaware of the surroundings. This makes the main character more vulnerable to the antagonist and adds tense situations. Furthermore, vulnerability of the main character is used in horrors because it makes the audience see that the monster has power and control over them and they are potentially hopeless. Finally, extreme close ups are a main contribution to horrors because they allow the audience to see the true emotion of the main characters and see how they are feeling.
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