Tuesday 20 November 2012

Planning- Erotic Thriller

Erotic Thriller:
An erotic thriller plays against all the thriller rules. The female will always be in control and plays the antagonist. Even though it seems she is in control, the way she gains that control is through sex. The woman will always be a crazy sociopath and will remove anyone that gets in her way. Examples of these films are Basic Instinct, Play Misty for Me and Wild Things.

The poster displays two possible main characters being sexually objectified. They are being photographed in bikini's to appeal to the male audience. You can see that the women are powerful as they are looking down at the camera showing authority. However the woman in the background is looking away from the camera which makes her look like she lacks in power and is vulnerable. The setting is an exotic island but the grey sky foreshadows that something bad is going to happen. 

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