Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Construction- Reflection- Podcast

Reflection: This is a video of our group speaking about what we have achieved to so far and what we still have remaining. We included things that we found difficult, whilst also including things we found a success. We have started the process of our filming and we are hoping to finish it in the next couple of days. At current we are all really enjoying our media coursework and two minute introduction construction.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Construction- Reflection- General work

Reflection-This week in media studies our group have been doing numerous tasks that are a contributing factor to our overall media planning process. As a group we have been focusing on our master catalogue, storyboard, film poster and improvements to our mise-en-scene/ lighting. During these developments to our initial planning, we have had sections that have been very successful, whilst others have slightly gone wrong, and there was room for improvement. In this blog we are going to talk about the problems we have faced during our blogger processing and how we fixed it, whilst also explaining the subjects that we found a great success. 
  Master Catalogue- This is a picture of Hannah (left) adding details to our groups master catalogue. Whilst making this part of our coursework, we added ideas about characters appearances, actors and different types of props. During the making of our master catalogue we found the information we was able to add a major success. Through adding portfolio's etc it gave us a larger insight into the imagery side of our two minute introduction. However, as a group we did find it difficult to come up with characters appearances because we had to think greatly into the role of each actor, and how they should be portrayed. We over came this problem by siting down together and really thinking and suggesting ideas to each other about how each character should look in appearance.
Group poster- This is a picture of Shannon (right) working on our groups poster. During the creating of our poster we had to come up with different ideas that meant it really did portray the inner meaning of our film. We all came up with the idea of the first victim (Jane) being on the front cover, showing the effects of her brutal death. We used a lot of fake blood, make up effects and then continued to edit it via computer to give it a more scary look. Using the computer, we added pictures of Danika (The killer) into Jane's eyes to show the true extent of her death. We found this hard to do because we needed to use different editing software's such as pro desktop to minimise the photo of Danika to put into Jane's eyes. However, with many attempts we managed to do so and we are very happy with the final outcome of our poster.
Lighting- In this picture, Xhuliana (left) is making final edits to our different types of lighting. We worked very hard on trying to created high key and low key lighting's so that they fitted the requirements. Whilst creating our high key lighting we found this very successful as we were able to find areas where no shadows would be forcasted on our faces. However, whilst creating our low key lighting images, we found it increasingly difficult to portray different lighting effects on our faces. We finally managed to do this with success by taking pictures in the dark, whilst using a torch to invent unique shadowing on our faces. By creating these pictures we were able to build on our understanding about the types of lighting we can use in our thriller.
Mise en scene- This picture shows Elidona (right)  working on our props, costumes and spacing. As a group we decided that we wanted to show some individuality by creating our own pictures, instead of using others from the Internet. We found is fairly simple to create our pictures and we really did enjoy the process. We was able to portray our own costumes etc which helped us to increasing understand the types of distances, outfits and props that we will use in our opening two minute introduction. Whilst putting these requirements on our blog we added information to each picture, where we were able to write in detail about each different parts of mise en scene. In completing out mise en scene post we were happy with the final outcome and we are looking forward to using these different effects in our thriller opening.                    
Storyboard- This is a picture of the editing of our storyboard (left). As a group we worked extremely hard on creating different pictures that were relevant to our two minute introduction,whilst focusing on the lighting, shots, angles and inner meanings. We spent time as a group taking pictures that showed a range of props that we will use in our two minute introduction and other sources of events. Whilst looking at our script we tried to use different ranges of events throughout which would show the types of scenes that will take place during our two minute thriller introduction. In addition, we made a selection of our shots in black and white effect, which shows the distance of time that will be portrayed within our introduction. During the creating of these shots we found it hard to show the different types of shots, making sure that the frame was not too small to represent a different shot, but not too big to portray a lager size shot. We overcame this problem by taking our images from different angles and experimenting with the zooming tool. After doing this we uploaded these photos to our storyboard and explained the deeper significance of each one. We are happy with the outcome of our storyboard and are looking forward to re creating these scenes in our film.

Overall, our group are very happy with the work that we have produced so far. During this week we have had many successes with our work that has made up feel very positive about the forthcoming of our filming. Also during this week we have had arising problems with the creating of our blog work, however, by working as a team and really thinking about these problems in more depth, we have been able to overcome them. Now that our two minute introduction of our film is approaching, we are looking forward
to the successes and challenges that we are going to be faced with. This blog has helped us to understand the challenges that we have faced so far, whilst also making us aware of the successes we have made together.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Construction- Making Use of Theory

Construction- Todorov theory

In this blogpost we are going to be speaking about the todorov theory in relation to our filming/ scenes. We have chosen a selection of different scenes from our filming, to show how each one is relevant to the different stages of the todorov theory and why. 

The first scene is showing Danika on her bed and you immediatley realise that she is the main character, due to the shots that are used. In refrence to the Todorov theory this is called the equilibrium, as everything is calm and as it should be. In the first scene you get an idea of the genre of the film and who the main/characters are going to be.

This scene is the flashback scene where we see why Danika circled the faces of her ex-best friends, and that she wants to get revenge on them for falsely accusing her. We now know that Danika has psychological problems because she wants to kill them. In terms of the Todorov theory this is called the rising action, as we are seeing interaction between the characters and the conflict, which will lead onto the climax of the film.
The third scene is Danika in the bush getting ready to attack Jane and kill her. We used a full shot for this scene, so that the audience could see the full action between the characters, and the spacing between them. This part of the scene is called the climax or the disruption as it is the most important and most exciting part of the scene; it is the first time the audience experiences any violence or action in the film.

The next scene is a crossed out photo of Jane showing to us that Danika has now killed Jane, and will carry on crossing out the faces of the other two as soon as she kills them. This is the falling action as Danika has accomplished what she had set out to achieve, she has managed to kill one of her friends and now she only has to kill the other two. The colour of red represents anger, blood, revenge and danger. 

The last scene is when Mia and Lily are calling Jane but in vain as she is now dead, Danika is standing outside Lily's house and as the audience we realise that she is there to kill them as well. This is a new disruption to the film which is called a mini subplot, therefore this suggests that equilibrium will not be achieved until the end of the film. This is only the beginning scene, so it is up to the audience to imagine how the film will end.                                                     

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Construction- Todorov Theory of Narrative

The Todorov Theory:
The Todorov theory is the belief that a story plot is not just a beginning, middle and end but there is a circular motion of events. At the very beginning of the story there is an exposition (equilibrium) where you learn about the main characters, setting, time and background information. After this event there is a rising action (disruption) where the characters begin to interact and conflict begins to occur between them. At the very top of the linear there is the climax (resolution) where the peak of the action takes place. At this point the problem reaches it's peak and after this the problem will begin to slowly solve itself. The fourth stage of the Todorov theory is the falling action (restored order). The restored order is when the problem from the climax begins to start being solved or unsolved. The last step of this theory is the resolution (denouement/ new equilibrium). This final step is when we find out how the story ends and how it is resolved; for example in a thriller the antagonist could be killed and peace would be restored in the new equilibrium. Throughout the Todorov there are mini subplots that happen throughout the story. The subplots act as a way of engaging the audience to the other main plots that are taking place in the film. This theory is used in 99% of films from all genres, as it's an easy way to plan a story, whilst being effective. The Todorov theory has helped us whilst making plans for our own thriller. This theory has helped us to understand and look more into the layout of our thriller. It has also helped us to write our script because we have been able to follow a structure and therefore it has made it easier to plan our storyline.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Planning- Google Maps Location

 Maps Locations-  We decided to use google maps, in order to locate our precise settings within the film. This allowed us to view our settings, from an overall perspective, giving us the opportunity to view the atmosphere from all different angles.  We have used a variety of location, in order to engage the audience, so that they are more aware of what locations are associated with each scenery.

This is the first location that we used in our psychological thriller. The image shown above is Danika's house. This scene introduces our antagonist, at the beginning of the thriller; where Danika is having thoughtful reflections regarding the fight with her friends. This scene is likely the most important, as it was used for many different shots. This included the crossing out of the girls faces, Lily and Mia worrying about Jane, and Danika being presented outside of the window. The scenery was effective because the look of the house is urban, showing that is modern with current societies.  This is important as it allowed us to engage with our target audience more efficiently.

This is the second location that we used in our psychological thriller. We used this scene in order to create our flashback. During our editing process, we decided to turn this clip into black and white; for a more dramatic, aged look. We decided to use this scene for our flashback because its very suspicious and isolated looking. This scene help us to create the tense feeling that we wanted, as on the day that we filmed it was snowing. This added extra effects to this scenery, as the weather conditions acted in contrast with Danika's inner emotions. This also allowed us to create pathetic fallacy, in terms of what was going to happen next, regarding the girls near futures.

Finally, this is the most juiciest scene that we decided to use, as this is where most of the actions really takes place. The google image shows the park scenery that we used to represent vulnerability and death. We chose to google map this place, as we really wanted to get a real feel of how the scene would be effective, regarding the audience responses. This scene represented the killers main motives, and her ambitions to kill her ex best friend. The park was a good place to film these scenes as it is a very secluded area, being safe for the killer, so that she can carry out the act without the fear of being caught.

In conclusion, google maps have secured our viewpoints regarding our chosen settings, as through comparing and analysing which parts we would film in the different scenery's, this is helped us to make an overall judgement, regarding our choices. These setting really helped us to create the tension that we initially wanted in our two minute introduction.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Planning- Calendar

Work Calendars/ Dates

This is our calendar plans for January and February 2013. In our calendar we have put the days that we plan to work on our media coursework. We have written in days that we are going to be working on general work, blog work and our two minute film introduction. As a group we are hoping to stick to these dates as this means we will be able to complete our coursework deadline on time. This will also give us enough time to work on exam practise so that our time is divided between our coursework and our exam. We are very happy with our final calendar plans. 

Friday, 11 January 2013

Planning- Master Catalogue

This is our groups overall master catalogue. We have included 15 different characters, portfolio's and many props. This has help us to visualise the kind of things that we are going to need whilst creating at two minute thriller introduction. The catalogue's are differently coloured which represents the difference in sector. The change in colour also makes the props more identifiable. We have filled in vital information such as characters hair colour, appearance, personalities, weight, height and eye colour.

Planning- Storyboard

This is our storyboard, which shows different scene's that will appear in our two minute opening introduction. Overall, we have created 21 different scenes that show a range of different angles, shots and effects. We made some of our photos black and white to show that it was from the past and was a figure of the main characters (Danika's) imagination. We also created a lot of pictures in the present, which was shown through the use of colour. We are really happy with our overall storyboard progress and it has made us feel a lot more confident about making the real opening film scenes. We believe that we have portray each characters emotions in a successful way.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Planning - Script

The following is the script for our two minute opening introduction of our psychological thriller. The working title is "Danika", which we chose as a group because this is the name of the girl who seeks revenge on her ex best friends. In our script we included transitions, characters, types of shots and acting expressions.

Planning- Concept Art

This is our Blue Sky Productions poster. We have created this poster to advertise our two minute introduction into out psychological thriller. We have named our poster Danika because this is the name of the psycho girl who aims to destroy and end all of her ex best friends lives. The girl who is displayed in the poster is the first of the three friend who is brutally murdered, this occurs in the opening two minutes. She has large masses of blood on her face as she is throttled and treated aggressively.  This poster represents her death.